


The admissions process for September 2025 entry to the sixth form is now closed. 

For any questions, please contact the Sixth Form Office by email to




Appeals should be lodged within 25 school days of the date of notification that the application was unsuccessful and will be heard within 30 school days of confirmation of GCSE (or equivalent) results. Appeals lodged after the appropriate deadline will be heard as soon as is reasonably practicable.

You will receive notification of the date and time of your appeal hearing at least 10 school days before your appeal hearing. Any additional evidence you wish the panel to consider must be submitted at least 5 school days before your appeal hearing. The clerk will send the appeal papers to you and the panel at least 5 school days before your appeal hearing. You will receive written notification of the outcome of your appeal within 5 school days of your appeal hearing, wherever possible.

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