Careers Programme Information



The Elmgreen School is committed to ensuring social mobility for all our students regardless of background and to the development of the whole individual.  Ensuring students receive a comprehensive careers package of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is essential to this success.


Overall Aims

Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) at The Elmgreen School helps young people to make the most of themselves and their opportunities in learning and work. It enables them to:

  • construct their own ‘career story’ about who they are, what’s important to them and what they would like to achieve in their lives

  • raise their aspirations, broaden their horizons and counter stereotyped thinking about what they and others can achieve

  • extend their knowledge of changing labour market opportunities, requirements and pathways in learning and work

  • extend their wide network of support through attending careers events, accessing information and advice, and gaining relevant experience

  • develop essential career skills including resilience, adaptability, enterprise, employability and self-presentation

  • understand ways of experiencing and achieving career happiness and well-being

  • take increasing responsibility for managing their own career choices, plans and transitions.



Careers guidance is provided in partnership with an accredited careers guidance advisor who currently works 2 days a week at The Elmgreen School. The careers advisor provides 1:1 interviews and support for students as well as group activities. All guidance is impartial, confidential (within policy guidelines), responsive to students’ needs and based on the principles of equality and diversity.



Collaboration with further and higher education providers, with careers guidance specialists and with businesses are all important in helping equip students with the knowledge, skills and behaviours for career success. They can bring additional expertise and insight into schools and motivate and inspire students to see how different choices can take them in the future.

There are already a number of key partners who support the school in delivering the careers, enterprise and work related learning programme and what roles they play e.g. London Enterprise Adviser Network (LEAN), Reed in Partnership, Lambeth Education and Careers,  Inspiring the Future, Further Education including Lambeth College, Higher Education Providers in London including LSBU and Cambridge University to name just a few.



The governing body, Headteacher and the senior leadership team are committed to meeting our statutory careers-related responsibilities and the Investor in Careers standards of excellence in CEIAG.  The Elmgreen School will uphold:

  • the duty to secure independent and impartial careers guidance for years 8-13

  • the requirement to improve the employability skills of vulnerable and disadvantaged young  people

  • the careers-related aspects of our published equality duties

  • the duty to help students with special educational needs achieve better life outcomes and work opportunities, through the effective use of Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP) 

  • the entitlement of young people to a planned and progressive programme of CEIAG activities that is clearly communicate to them and meets their needs (see Provider Access Policy Statement)

  • the principle of engaging partners, including young people themselves, parents/carers, providers of independent and impartial careers guidance, employers and other education providers in achieving worthwhile learning outcomes, progression opportunities and destinations for students.



A Deputy Headteacher has oversight and manages an Associate Assistant Headteacher who is the Careers Leader for the school. The Careers Leader is responsible for producing, implementing and evaluating an annual careers programme, informed by the school development plan that identifies the role and contribution of subject teachers, tutors and other staff and partners. The independent Careers Guidance Advisor provides one-to-one careers guidance interviews and a dedicated member of the Inclusion Department works alongside our Career Team to support students with additional needs. The Careers Leader has oversight of the provision delivery across the whole school. An Assistant Headteacher coordinates and plans the delivery of a PSHE programme in Key Stage 3 and 4 that incorporates age appropriate CEIAG.  Key Stage 5 is overseen by the Director of Sixth Form and led by the Heads of Year. There is also a comprehensive PSHE programme of careers, employment and university guidance alongside a work experience programme in the sixth form.



The Elmgreen School uses the destinations platform Unifrog for Years 7 through to 13.  Unifrog enables students to access all the available careers information into one single, impartial, user-friendly platform, helping students make appropriate choices as well as supporting them to submit further education and higher education applications.

We also empower teachers and a careers advisor to manage the progression process effectively. The Learning Resources Centre has relevant, up-to-date information in a range of media including supervised access to ICT facilities and digital careers resources. The careers advisor selects and maintains resources needed for the CEIAG programme and actively seeks the involvement of the wider community (other education and training providers, local employers, parents etc.) in providing opportunities for students.


Careers Lead:

Racquel Oakley, Associate Assistant Headteacher
Tel: 0208 766 5020 Ext 254

Careers Advisor:

Rosemary Ennin


Useful Links

National Careers ServiceUnifrogUNISTATSUniversity Applications and Course Search Open Days Which Degree Should I Study? Which UniversityGet ahead post Covid

Labour Market profile for Lambeth




Careers Date  
CEIAG Policy 11th Jun 2024 Download
Provider Access Policy 11th Jun 2024 Download